Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Still Waiting

Its Tuesday. 7 days post IUI. I can't say that I really feel anything significant. Maybe a little tinge here and there. But I did learn something this week. My friend is a big believer in "The Secret". she tells me that I just have to really believe things for them to become reality. So I am taking a completely positive approach and believing that this time it worked!!! I won't even consider that I may not be pregnant. If perception is reality then my perception will be that this IUI was successful and soon I'll be rewarded with a positive test to prove it. Anyone else out there believe, tust, envoke "the secret?"

On another note- its been a trying week with my three year old. He just hates bedtime. It has been an all out battle. Tips? Tricks of the trade??? What am I doing wrong? I need to remember to be patient and patience is not my forte.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

IUI- 2nd Chance

Today was our second IUI. I looked for a million signs on my way there that was going to be the one. I didn't exactly find any- BUT last time I felt like there were a million good signs (it was my mothers birthday, the Dr. was wearing hot pink pants(my favorite color) and so on and so on) yet no luck. SO maybe no signs is a good sign.
Just like last time it was an easy procedure but I had allot more cramping after this one. Unfortunately after the procedure I had to go back to work so I wasn't able to spend the day relaxing like I had hoped. Instead I spent the afternoon running around my office and then straight to daycare then home to cook dinner. It wasn't until after 8 when the dishes were done and my DS was headed to bed that I finally got to sit!! Sweet relief!

Our blood test is scheduled for 2/12 so until then- we wait!! I'll try to post often on how I'm feeling. If this is our time it will be nice to look back and remember how it felt day to day.

In the meantime its life as usual. With a full time job, a three year old, and a husband and house to take care of there isn't much time for relaxing but we certainly do our best to squeeze some fun and friends into our schedule. This weekend will include dinner and a comedy show with the inlaws and Sunday lunch with friends. Can't Wait!!!!

Cross your fingers for me- the waiting is the worst part and I can use all the good vibes I can get.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Went in for a day 11 ultrasound today to see how the follicles were growing. We have one at 18, one 15 and one 11. Doctor thought hard about the chance of multiples and decided to have us take our trigger shot (Ovidril) tonight. She was hesitant to wait any longer, cautious that 48 hours (at my age-32) would give the other two folli's time to get bigger and increase the twins + scenario. She knows our hesitation. With a three year old handful at home we are cautiously optimistic that our ART journey will give us a single pregnancy but perfectly happy handling whatever GOD gives us!!!! Wish me luck!!! IUI is scheduled for Tuesday.

On another note- spent the weekend in Vegas with my best friend!!! Had a blast. It was a last minute trip that we booked right after we found out that the last IUI was unsuccessful. I took it as a sign that I should go out and have one more crazy time before getting pregnant again! Have to stay positive! Attitude is everything :)